
I have forgotten to mention I am attending this years International Free Software Conference in Brazil. I was invited there last year, but unforseen cirsumstances (ie – hospitalisation) stopped me going. It also stopped me meeting the President of China, Hu Jintao. I was not a happy pipka at the time πŸ™

Anyway, I was reinvited this year, and will be speaking about how the culture is inclusive to all peoples, and has a low barrier to entry making it a wonderful diverse place of opportunity. I’ll be throwing in some observations about code Vs culture in Open Source, and why both need to be adapted for full benefits. A Brazilian friend of mine, Cesar suggested the name “Is Free Software a Macho Man thing” and I thought that was pretty kewl πŸ™‚ I owe several Brazilians Aussie wine and beer, customs are going to love me πŸ™‚

I’ll be dropping in on Debconf for at least a little while, so I’ll probably have to take more alcohol for that πŸ™‚ It will be kewl to catch up with some wonderful people I’ve met both online and offline, as well as many of Jeff’s workmates, all of whom knew about the engagement before me πŸ˜› Particularly looking forward to meeting Sulamita, Cesar, Mako, Martin (& all the Debian crew!), Bdale if he comes, and of course Marcelo.

I’m hoping to drink lots with Marcelo!, the Brazilian LPI contact, who is one of the funniest people I’ve met in ages. He introduced me to some Brazilian fruits while we were in Geneva, and I’m keen to further sample the many spirits they have πŸ˜‰ The entire LPI group that worked together in Geneva were wonderful, and it was a priviledge and pleasure to meet every one of them.

ROCK ON!!! Excited Pipka! πŸ˜€