FTA and showers

So LA did some press releases recently as well as some position papers on the FTA. We are doing a fairly intensive inquiry as to the actual effects of the FTA on Open Source in Australia, hiring lawyers are all ๐Ÿ™‚ Rusty did an AWESOME job in getting everything together and researched, and then the Press team did a great job on their first assignment offering suggestions and advice. All in all quite a successful little project, but the fight is far from over. There is only about 9 weeks left to make an impression on the right people if we can even hope to not be screwed in the FTA translation to legislation. Got to stay on our toes and make sure the word gets out.

Also check out the new Open Source portal. We are talking to several groups to get buy in to this idea of having a single portal into the Australian Open Source world. A sinlge place to figure out which organisation is good for you (and they all have their uniqueness), what Open Source is, where to find case studies etc etc. Also have the Open Source Experts Group up on a web page. This group of people are doing advisory work on Government policy, an Open Source FAQ, and some other projects, all in collaboration with nearly all the Open Source organisations in Australia in some form or another. The people involved are working independently, but with industry and community input and concerns in mind. Rock on! Anything created by this group will of course be run by the linux-aus mailing list for input and advice.

A funny little ditty from personal life, I recently watched Natural Born Killers again, I LOVE that movie! There is a line that Mal says to Mickey “being with you is like kindergarten”. It reminds me of Jeff ๐Ÿ™‚ we have so many silly little games and fun in our life, he really is my best friend, playmate, lover and partner in crime. Not a moment goes by when I don’t love him utterly. We put the ‘ow’ in shower.

Aww, the Bubby ๐Ÿ˜‰